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CCTV Products
Cctv Dome Camera
Cctv C/CS-Mount Camera
Cctv WDR Camera
Cctv IR Camera
Cctv IR Dual Camera
Cctv Zoom Camera
Cctv Speed Dome Camera
Cctv IP Camera
Cctv DVR Card
Cctv DVR
Cctv NVR
Cctv Key Board
Cctv Accessories

Cctv C/CS-Mount Cameras

C-mount lenses provide a male thread which mates with a female thread on the camera. The thread is nominally 1 inch in diameter, with 32 threads per inch, designated as "1-32 UN 2A" in the ANSI B1.1 standard for unified screw threads. The flange focal distance is 17.526 mm (0.69 inches) for a C-mount, 12.52 mm for the otherwise identical CS-mount.

The advantage to a C-Mount Camera is that the lens can be changed. If you need to see further than 35 or 40 ft then you'll need a c-mount camera with a special lens. C-Mount lenses are available from 4mm to 50mm. A 4mm lens provides facial detail and a 70 degree angle of view focused up to about 35 ft. An example of where you might use a fixed 4mm lens is in a small office, or at home to focus on your driveway.

A higher millimeter lens will provide further distance, but narrows the field of view. So,a 16mm lens would provide about a 15 to 20 degree angle of view at a focus distance of about 35 ft (or a 70 degree angle of view at about 140 feet). In general, a 8mm lens is like a 4mm lens zoomed in 2 times. Similarily, a 16mm lens is like the 4mm lens zoomed in 4 times.

Many times, the best option is to use a varifocal lens. This will allow you to vary the focus from 5 to 50mm. So when you install the camera you can fine tune the focal distance and angle of view. An example of where you might use a varifocal lens is outside (or inside) a large commercial building where you need more distance than 35 ft. and the varifocal lens will allow you to adjust the focal distance to your preference.

If you want to use cmount cameras outside, you must put them in an outdoor camera housing.

CCTV lenses are available in two different lens mounts. "C-mount" lenses have a flange back distance of 17.5mm; "CS-mount" lenses have a flange back distance of 12.5mm. The flange back distance is the distance from the flange of the lens (beginning of the lens mount) to the focal plane. All of the C-Mount cameras we sell can be adjusted for installation of a CS-Mount lens as well as a C-Mount lens.