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Tearing a term used to describe a picture condition in which groups of horizontal lines are displaced in an irregular manner.

Terminated Used when referring to the end point of a video signal.

Tvres (Scanning lines) refers to something quite a bit different than what is generally considered to be tvres. Video display on a monitor requires the image to be constantly shifting (scanning) in order to display in real time. For instance, NTSC format video is based on a 525 scanning lines operating at a frequency of 60 Hz (PAL format is 625 lines, 50 Hz) for transmission and display of video images. This is an interlaced system in which each frame is scanned in two fields of 262 lines, which is then combined to display a complete frame of video with 525 scan lines. Scan lines (also referred to as "vertical tvres") of video are equivalent for each different video format, but every device must comply with these standards. Horizontal tvres, on the other hand, indicates the number of pixel elements contained placed horizontally across these scanning lines. Horizontal tvres varies based on the abilities of each different camera and each different monitor.

TCP Transmission Control Protocol. A set of rules to exchange messages with other Internet points at the information packet level.

TCP / IP Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol. The basic communication language or protocol of the Internet.

Termination refers to a 75 Ohm terminator that is used to terminate each end of a video line.

Time / Date Generator Installed between a CCTV camera and a monitor, it generates the information of Date, Time and camera ID.

TFT Is a variant of Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) which use's Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) technology to improve their image quality. TFT LCDs are one type of active matrix LCD, though this is usually synonymous with them. They are used in both flat panel displays and projectors. In computing, TFT monitors are rapidly displacing competing CRT technology, and are commonly available in sizes from 30 to 77 cm (~12 to 30 inches). As of 2006, they have also made inroads on the television market. There is no, or minor effect on the eyes, if we use TFT-LCD monitors.

Time Lapse VCR A video recorder that can be set to record continuously over long period of time. This can be anything from two hours to 960 hours.

Total Pixels concerns the operation of a camera's CCD image sensor. This number measures the complete count of pixel elements on a camera's CCD image sensor. This number should not be confused with effpixels pixels, which can provide a more telling description of a camera's tvres.

Tilt refers to vertical motion of a camera. Any equipment capable of tilting can move up and down along a vertical axis. Some equipment, indicated as "PTZ," has the ability to tilt as well as pan and zoom.

Timelapse is a feature of most CCTV-industry VCR and DVR video recorders. Timelapse refers to recording one still video image (frame) at fewer than 30 frames per second. The speed of this recording can usually be adjusted. Timelapse video is therefore slower than realtime recording and has a drag when the video is played back. One advantage of timelapse recording is the ability to increase maximum recording time so longer periods of time can be captured on a video tape or digital hard disk drive media. However, a major disadvantage of timelapse recording is missing many frames of video and missing much of what happens during a given period of time. There is no way to recover these missed frames on playback. For the ultimate in surveillance, realtime video recorders deliver the most complete and accurate video information of what occurred.

Transmitter can refer to two different devices for CCTV. Wired transmitters (sometimes called modulators) are used to modulate video for extended video runs of more than one hundred and fifty feet. These transmitters convert a video signal (and potentially a power and / or audio signal) into an RF radio frequency signal. A receiver at the opposite end of the wiring demodulates that signal back into traditional composite video for compatibility with standard equipment. Wireless transmitters similarly modulate video (and sometimes audio) into an RF radio frequency, but this signal is "beamed" through the air without wires. A wireless transmitter sends it video images back to a wireless receiver. 900 MHz, 2.4 GHz, and 5.8 GHz wireless transmitters broadcast to matching paired receivers tuned to the same frequencies. 434 MHz transmitters are made to broadcast to any "cable ready" television or home VCR on channel 59 of the CATV band. Because wireless equipment can be quirky (just like cell phone or TV reception), high quality and professional wireless transmitters are recommended. The wireless transmitters ALL use FM modulation (more consistent and reliable than AM), high gain standard antennas, and very high RF output power to help ensure fewer breakups in crucial video than substandard wireless link systems.

Television Lines (TVL)  is a measure of the resolution of a video device. Higher number is higher resolution. 380 TVL is considered medium resolution. 480 TVL or greater is considered high resolution.